


日立Astemo株式会社(以下、日立Astemo)は、5月22日(水)から5月24日(金)までパシフィコ横浜(神奈川県横浜市)にて開催される「自動車技術展:人とくるまのテクノロジー展2024 横浜」(主催:公益社団法人自動車技術会)に出展します(ブース番号:418)。本展示会では、SDV*1時代に対応する先進的なプロダクトとソリューションを幅広く紹介します。具体的には、IoV*2、xEV*3、AD/ADAS*4、先進シャシーにおける先進技術やソリューション、それら4つのドメインを連携したクロスドメイン統合制御技術、さらに、モーターサイクルの安全性向上に貢献するADAS技術などを紹介します。

*1 SDV: Software Defined Vehicle

*2 IoV: Internet of Vehicle

*3 EV: Electric Vehicle (電気自動車)

*4 AD/ADAS: Autonomous Driving / Advanced Driver Assistance System(自動運転/先進運転支援システム)


SDV化における自動車の進化を加速させる、オンボードのコンピューティングとバックエンドのソリューションからなるIoV プラットフォームや、IoVプラットフォームを支えるオンボードとバックエンドの連携技術として「データ収集技術」、「オンボードテスト技術」、「ソフトウェアプラットフォーム技術」をパネルや映像で紹介します。





*5 Xin1: インバーター、ギア、モーターを1つにしたe-Axleのように、複数の部品や機能を1つにまとめた部品の総称

*6 BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle







■日立Astemoウェブサイト 「人とくるまのテクノロジー展2024」


Hitachi Astemo to showcase cross-domain control among SDV tech at Automotive Engineering Expo 2024

                   Rendition of exhibition booth


Tokyo, May 14, 2024 — Hitachi Astemo, Ltd. (President & CEO: Kohei Takeuchi) will exhibit a wide range of cutting-edge products and solutions for the SDV*1 era at the Automotive Engineering Exposition 2024—Wednesday, May 22 to Friday, May 24 at PACIFICO Yokohama (Kanagawa Prefecture). Our exhibitions will include IoV,*2 xEV,*3 AD/ADAS,*4 advanced chassis technologies, as well as cross-domain integrated control technology; and motorcycle ADAS technology contributing to improved safety.

*1 SDV: Software-Defined Vehicle

*2 IoV: Internet of Vehicles

*3 EV: Electric Vehicle

*4 AD/ADAS: Autonomous Driving / Advanced Driver Assistance System


IoV area:

Through display panels and videos, we will introduce IoV platforms consisting of on-board computing and back-end solutions that accelerate the evolution of vehicles in the transition to SDVs; and on-board and back-end linkage technologies that support IoV platforms, including “Data Collection Technology,” “On-board Test Technology,” and “Software Platform Technology.”


Cross-domain area:

Our exhibition of cross-domain integrated control technology linking IoV, xEV, AD/ADAS and advanced chassis will include a model vehicle exhibition.


xEV area:

The xEV area will feature product displays, display panels, and videos of our “Thin-type Inverter,” an electrification product that contributes to carbon neutrality; “In-Wheel Motor” that integrates the inverter and brake into the motor; and “Integrated Smart Charging System” that enables X-in-1*5 electric powertrains and power to be supplied from vehicles to household appliances. In addition, through display panels we will introduce our “Compact e-Axle for BEVs”*6 with high dynamic performance that contributes to improved electricity costs.

*5 X-in-1: Generic term for components that combine several parts or functions into one, such as e-Axles, which combine inverters, gears and motors

*6 BEV: Battery electric Vehicle


AD/ADAS area:

This area includes “360° Multi-Camera Sensing” technology, which enables highly accurate and high-resolution 3D sensing to enable autonomous driving on public roads; and “Autonomous driving with cooperative action” technology, which uses AI technology to predict and estimate the driving path of oncoming vehicles—allowing both vehicles to pass each other smoothly.


Advanced Chassis area:

In this area, we will showcase steering and brakes that contribute to upgraded autonomous driving and safety support performance through by-wire technology, as well as our suspension that contributes to improved comfort through AI-based electronic control technology.


Motorcycle area:

This area includes “Motorcycle ADAS” technology, which enhances the adaptability of motorcycles to different driving conditions and contributes to accident mitigation.


Join us at booth 418, where we will showcase our advanced products and solutions for the SDV era.


Hitachi Astemo “Automotive Engineering Exposition 2024” page


