








*1 ICE: Internal Combustion Engine(内燃機関)

*2 ECU: Electronic Control Unit


        Organizational changes to enable more rapid response to evolving mobility industry


Tokyo, March 29, 2024 – Hitachi Astemo, Ltd. (“Hitachi Astemo”) will implement organizational changes effective April 1 to respond more quickly to the rapidly evolving mobility industry. The following changes enable advancements that include developing software-defined vehicles (SDV) with enhanced functionality and improved performance, via software updates leveraging the cloud platform.


Change of structure (effective April 1, 2024)

Until now, there were three organizational levels in the Electrification Business Management Division and Chassis & ICE*1 Management Division, with business divisions and business units under the management division umbrella. But from April 2024, they will be reorganized into two levels consisting of business divisions and business units, which will enable a more rapid response to the mobility industry and strengthen organizational functions.

*1 ICE: Internal Combustion Engine


Specifically, the existing ECU*2 Solution Business Unit of the Electrification Business Management Division will newly establish an SDV commercialization function to strengthen cross-domain business, and will be renamed to the Mobility Solution Business Unit. The Software Business Division, which will be renamed to the SDV Platform Functional Division, will be given a new cloud development function to create an integrated development system that spans from systems to hardware and software.

*2 ECU: Electronic Control Unit


Through these changes, the SDV Platform Functional Division and Technology Development Functional Division will strengthen cloud development, while the Mobility Solution Business Unit will promote cloud business.


In addition, the Chassis & ICE Management Division will promote faster business management by eliminating the Chassis Business Division, and reorganizing the business management organization to center on the existing Brake Business Unit, Suspension Business Unit and Steering & Drivetrain Business Unit. The Aftermarket Business Division will be reorganized as the Aftermarket Business Unit while “Region” will be reorganized as “Region Operation Division (ROD)”.


Through establishing a solid business management structure that expediently responds to the changing mobility industry, Hitachi Astemo will further strengthen its business and accelerate efforts to continuously enhance its corporate value.
