

日立Astemo株式会社(以下、日立Astemo)は、2030年に向けた温室効果ガス(GHG:Greenhouse Gas)の削減目標について、気候変動問題の国際的な枠組みである「パリ協定*1」が定める目標と科学的に整合する目標「SBT(Science Based Targets)」となっているかを認定する国際的なイニシアチブである「SBTイニシアチブ(SBTi)*2」より、2023年11月30日に認定を取得*3しました。
*1 世界の気温上昇を産業革命前より2℃を十分に下回る水準に抑え、また1.5℃に抑えることをめざすもの

*2 環境情報の開示に関するNGOであるCDP(カーボン ディスクロージャー プロジェクト)、UNGC(国連グローバル・コンパクト)、WRI(世界資源研究所)、WWF(世界自然保護基金)の4団体が共同で2015年に設立

*3 SBTiサイト上での掲載は2024年1月以降

日立Astemoは、社名の由来である”Advanced Sustainable Technologies for Mobility”の通り、先進的なモビリティ技術の提供とともに、より安全・快適で、かつ環境負荷の低い持続可能な社会の実現に向けて取り組んでいます。その取り組みの中で、電動化製品の販売の拡大及び製品のエネルギー効率の向上を通じてAstemo製品が搭載された車両の利用時の排出量削減とともに、生産部門をはじめとして、上流から下流までの全体におけるGHG排出削減をめざしています。

このたびSBTi認定を受けた下記の目標達成に向け、今後もGHG排出量の削減を積極的に進め、持続可能な社会の実現に貢献していきます。なお、日立Astemoはnear term*4目標で認定を取得しました。

*4 SBTiの認定する目標にはnear term(5-10年から先の目標(4.2%/年、削減が最低目標))とlong term(2050年までの目標(90%削減が最低目標)の2種類があり、当社が認定を受けたのはnear term目標



*5 スコープ1:自社での燃料使用による直接排出量

*6 スコープ2:自社が購入した電力、熱の使用による間接排出量

*7 カーボンオフセット(排出権取引)除く

*8 スコープ3:自社のバリューチェーンで排出される間接排出量(スコープ1、スコープ2を除く)のうち、購入した製品・サービス(カテゴリ1)、燃料およびエネルギー活動(カテゴリ3)、販売した製品の使用からのGHG排出量(カテゴリー11)





本  社:東京都千代田区大手町二丁目2番1号 新大手町ビル




Tokyo, December 8, 2023 – Hitachi Astemo, Ltd. announces that Hitachi Astemo acquired certification from SBT Initiative (SBTi)*1 on November 30, 2023*2 for its 2030 GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction target. SBTi is a collaborative international initiative that certifies whether the targets of each company are scientifically consistent with the targets set by the Paris Agreement,*3 the international framework for climate change issues, thus making them “SBT (Science Based Targets).”


*1 SBTi is a partnership jointly established in 2015 by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an NGO on environmental information disclosure; the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC); the World Resources Institute (WRI); and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

*2 To be posted on the SBTi site after January 2024.

*3 The primary goal is to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.”


As the company name “Advanced Sustainable Technologies for Mobility” implies, Hitachi Astemo is committed to providing advanced mobility technologies and working toward the realization of a sustainable society that is safer, more comfortable, and has a lower environmental impact. As part of these efforts, we aim to reduce GHG emissions throughout the entire process, including in the production sector. By expanding sales of electrified products and improving the energy efficiency of our products, the emissions of vehicles equipped with Astemo products will also be reduced.


Hitachi Astemo will reduce GHG emissions and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by achieving the following targets for which the company has received SBTi certification. Hitachi Astemo has obtained certification only for the near-term*4 targets.


*4 There are two types of targets certified by SBTi: near term (targets beyond 5-10 years (minimum target of 4.2% reduction per year)) and long term (targets through 2050 (minimum target of 90% reduction)). Hitachi Astemo was certified for near-term targets.


GHG reduction targets (FY2030 target) certified by SBTi are as follows:

・Reduce Scope 1*5+2*6 GHG emissions by 80%*7 (base year FY2021)

・Reduce Scope 3*8 GHG emissions by 25% (base year FY2021)


*5 Scope 1: Direct emissions from the use of fuel by the company

*6 Scope 2: Indirect emissions from electricity and heat purchased and used by the company

*7 Excluding carbon offset (emissions trading)

*8 Scope 3: Indirect emissions from the company’s value chain (excluding Scope 1 and Scope 2), including purchased goods and services (Category 1), energy-related activities (Category 3), and GHG emissions from use of products sold (Category 11)


Hitachi Astemo is committed to technological innovation and business development for sustainable growth through strategic business operations of the Electrification Business Management Division, the Chassis & ICE Management Division and the Motorcycle Business Division. Hitachi Astemo will contribute to a better global environment through electric powertrain systems and highly efficient internal combustion engine management systems that reduce emissions, and improve safety and comfort through autonomous driving, advanced driver assistance systems and advanced chassis systems. Hitachi Astemo contributes to a sustainable society and improved quality of life by providing world-leading advanced mobility solutions that satisfy our customers.


Company Profile

Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.

Head Office: Shin Otemachi Building, Otemachi 2-chome, 2-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Business: Development, manufacture, sales and service of machinery and equipment and systems for automotive parts and transportation and industrial use

For more information, please visit the Hitachi Astemo website: (https://www.hitachiastemo.com/en/).
